Frequently Asked Question

Mobile payments questions

How the micropayments by sms works?

The user sends an SMS to a short number with a keyword that identifies the content they want. For example. Send “Pepe” to 35490.
The platform optionally generates a key that sends both the mobile phone user and the website of the company.
On the website of the company, access to paid content for the password received is allowed.
The user gets access to the content by entering the received password.

What the carrier billing is?

It is a 2.0 and an anonymous payment method that will be valid in 2017. Personal identification and personal data are not required to be given. It is fast, simple and easy to understand. The payment is charged on the phone bill, so no credit cards are needed. The purchase transaction is done through just one click

When you are purchasing something, a “pay with your mobile” option will appear and after that, a notification will come into view indicating the number with which you will pay followed by the name of your telephone company. Finally, you will have to confirm the payment.

How does direct billing work?

It is a 2.0 and an anonymous payment method that will be valid in 2017. Personal identification and personal data are not required to be given. It is fast, simple and easy to understand. The payment is charged on the phone bill, so no credit cards are needed. The purchase transaction is done through just one click

When you are purchasing something, a “pay with your mobile” option will appear and after that, a notification will come into view indicating the number with which you will pay followed by the name of your telephone company. Finally, you will have to confirm the payment.

The advantages of this payment method regarding credit cards

Assuming that there are around 1.5 million credit card users worldwide and 4,000 million subscribers to mobile telephony. You can reach more people with carrier or direct billing.

Not only is it a better system but also a faster one (just one click) as the credit card requires your customer will have to register himself as well as its card.
Improves conversion: A studio says that when the direct billing is available in an app store, eight of the nine payments are made this way. Therefore, the user experience is positive.

Mobile marketing questions

What is mobile marketing?

Set of techniques and formats to promote products and services using mobile devices as a communication channel.
The main objective of mobile marketing is to attract and retain customers. Smartphones have helped to trigger multitude of possibilities Mobile Marketing; geolocation, personalization, internet access, email marketing, mobile applications, storage coupons, geolocated Push notifications, etc.

What is the meaning of SMS Push?

Messages a server sends to a person´s mobile device alerting him he has received new information. The server initiates this communication, although the customer has no interest in whether there is something new.
It highlights its immediacy, as there is no need to be within the application to receive information.
The customer needs to sign in previously in order to let the server know where to send those messages.

Differences between PUSH and PULL technology

The difference lies in who initiates the communication.
The pull technology communication is initiated by the customer whereas the server starts it in the push technology communication.
Unlike PUSH that starts the server.

Engagement Questions

What fixed costs does the cooperation with Resonance Tech have?

Fixed costs are low and they are linked to the volume of traffic generated by the client, but could be 0 € in case of high volumes.

What relationship does DV Pass Technologies have with its operators? What benefits does DV Pass Technologies offer to them?

The positions and experience is priviledge, due to its long-term relationships and deals with operators. Thanks to this, Resonance Tech´s integration periods, communication and feedback are considered to be the best ones in the market.

What are the implementation periods in Internet Mobile services?

They are directly related to the type of content, The compliance of the operator´s guidelines and technical integration. They usually take between 2 and 4 weeks.

How can DV Pass Technologies contribute to my business?

Highly competitive reversions. Statistics offered in real time ensuring at all time the knowledge of ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ of each merchant. News revenues. Stability, reliability and transparency in charges and information.

Can DV Pass Technologies manage the telephone service for my product?

Yes, DV Pass Technologies provides a professional customer care service that improves the relationship and solves claims both in a telephonic and telematics way.

Other Questions

What is the meaning of ARPU?

Stands for Average Revenue Per User.
It represents the average revenue per user, in a given period.
It helps assess the company taking into account not only the number of total users, but also the “quality” of these users: if they are profitable or not, their customer lifetime value etc.

How is ARPU calculated?

Dividing total earned income in the period by the number of total active users of the Company.

What is a IVR or VRU system?

Interactive Voice Response is an automated phone system able to receive calls and interact with the caller through voice recordings and recognition of simple answers.

It is oriented to deliver or capture via mobile devices, which allow access to information services or other operations.

How does IVR system work?

The user calls to a number and the system presents him a series of actions to be carried out (such as “press or say one for sales, two for administration) and which have been previously recorded.
The user then chooses the option by entering a number on the keypad or saying that number and browses through the different menus to find the requested information if not system directs the call to the intended recipient.


Dejanos tu nombre y número de teléfono y nos pondremos en contacto contigo en breves instantes.

Petición registrada

Nos pondremos en contacto contigo en breves instantes.

Algo ha fallado

No hemos podido registrar tu petición, prueba de nuevo más tarde.
